JPAC will tackle poverty, hate speech, and support Holocaust Survivors at this year’s Advocacy Day

On May 14-15, close to 150 individuals from across California who are interested in working to advance social justice and Jewish values will convene in Sacramento for JPAC’s Advocacy Day. This year, we will be focusing on advocating to end poverty and homelessness with a package of bills that address poverty from different angles. We will be advocating for funding to provide services for Holocaust Survivors who are struggling to live out their days in dignity. And, we will asking for funding to increase training and preparedness for college campuses confronted with hate speech. And finally, we will continue to advocate for the California Nonprofit Security Grant Program, which provides funding for nonprofits that are at high risk of a hate crime or terrorist act.

Many of us want to be engaged in the political process to ensure equality and opportunity for all Californians. The Jewish Public Affairs Committee of California (JPAC) provides access to that engagement. JPAC’s Advocacy Day is the culminating effort of months of research, coalition building and convening to bring concerned citizens from the Jewish community to Sacramento to meet with key legislators on issues that impact our State. To register and for more information, please visit