About JPAC
The voice of California’s Jewish community to the State Capitol
JPAC – Jewish Public Affairs Committee of California is a coalition of leading Jewish community organizations across the state. Founded in 1972, we advocate in Sacramento on behalf of the Jewish community’s concerns and broadly shared values.
Our member organizations – including Jewish Federations, Jewish Community Relations Councils, Jewish Family Service agencies, and others – collectively serve hundreds of thousands of Californians of all backgrounds and represent the interests of California’s 1.2 million Jews, making us the largest single-state coalition of Jewish organizations in the nation.
Our Vision
A safe, just, and equitable California reflecting the core issues and values of the state’s organized Jewish community.
Our Mission
We amplify Jewish voices through strategic statewide advocacy and coalition-building to better the lives of Jews and all Californians.
JPAC is committed to upholding two core pillars:
» We fight for issues that directly support the Jewish community
» We fight for issues that directly further Jewish values
Since 2019, JPAC has successfully advocated for over $465 million dollars from the state budget for a wide range of community projects, including enhancing community security initiatives, rebuilding Jewish summer camps destroyed in wildfires, expanding our Holocaust education institutions, and securing vital resources for seniors, immigrants, and people experiencing food insecurity.
We help pass crucial legislation to counter antisemitism and hate, expand mental health, anti-poverty, and anti-hunger initiatives, and to support immigrants and older adults. And we led the advocacy efforts to remove antisemitic content from the state’s ethnic studies curriculum.
JPAC uses our community’s collective strength and reach to help build the world we want to live in – for ourselves and for all Californians.
JPAC Capitol Summit is our premier annual event. During this two-day gathering, hundreds of participants from across the state gather in Sacramento for a policy conference, exclusive networking opportunities with some of the state’s most powerful lawmakers and activists, and to participate in direct lobbying to help further our legislative priorities.
JPAC is non-partisan and a registered 501(c)4. We appreciate your support!